Saturday, February 28, 2009

I just love all of you! N283!!!
Friday, February 27, 2009
Spiritual Diet
27 Feb 2009
For I am the LORD your God. You shall therefore consecrate yourselves, and you shall be holy; for I am holyLeviticus 11:44
Leviticus 11 relates to us the law concerning the food we eat. While the ceremonial law of the old covenant has been abolished through Christ, there are still spiritual principles we can glean through a careful study of its symbolism.
There are four categories of food in the Jewish dietary laws. The first category has to do with animals on land. The Jews are allowed to eat animals that chew cud and have cloven hooves. Cud is food that is eaten by animals with more than one stomach, like the cow. It is partly digested food that is regurgitated to be chewed again. The English idiom, “chew the cud,” means to ponder and meditate.
Cloven hooves are feet that are divided or separated. Spiritually, all these speak of a believer choosing a lifestyle of meditation on God’s Word coupled with a holy walk that is separated unto the Lord.
The second category has to do with fish in the water. The people of Israel are permitted to eat fish with fins and scales. Fins give a fish the ability to go in a purposeful direction without being influenced by the currents and tides of the sea. Scales are the bony plates on the body of a fish that protect it from anything unclean in the sea.
Jesus says that while we are in the world, we are not of the world (John 15:19). We must develop the ability to live a life of purpose without being negatively influenced by the world.
The third category has to do with birds in the air. A prohibitive list consisting of the vulture, buzzard, falcon, raven, owl, bat and others is given. They are all fowls given to the feeding on dead flesh. Paul says that if you are given to the flesh, you will not inherit the kingdom of God (Gal. 5:19-21).
The fourth category has to do with flying insects that feed on garbage and feces. Being unclean insects, the Jews are not allowed to eat them. God did not call us to uncleanness, but to holiness (1 Thess. 4:7).
The Bible has much to say about our spiritual nourishment. For Jesus, “curds and honey He shall eat, that He may know to refuse the evil and choose the good” (Is. 7:15). Curd is the oil of milk.
It speaks of the Holy Spirit. Honey speaks of the sweetness of God’s Word.
When we give ourselves to the Word and the Spirit, we will grow strong in holiness and discernment. Like Christ, we will then know how to refuse the evil and choose the good.
This is a recomfirmation of what I learnt in my first FT1 lesson!!!
Holy Spirit + Word of God = Growing in the Lord
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Volunteer Travel Asia!Be blessed with the opportunity to go beyond regular sightseeing, shop and eat travel options. Experience travel and have more intimate insights of the places you visit as you work, live and play amongst the local communities. All these while taking part in meaningful projects. Volunteer travel are often meaningful eye-opening experiences where participants come away with a new perspective and greater appreciation of life. Sightseeing options are available too. Choose from more than 20 meaningful projects in Cambodia, Thailand, China, India, Philippines and Laos. MY GOSH!!!
I WANNA GO!!! But who will accompany me?
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Ps 46:10
Be still, and know that I am God.
Let Go and Let God.
Monday, February 23, 2009
We honour people because the price of Jesus was paid for each individual.
True Honour comes from the heart.
Honour those who are in authority over us.
Honour those on our level of authority.
Honour those entrusted to our authority.
Honour those who dishonour you.
It's not a question of who's worth it or not.
How do you honour God, but not honour the one God puts honour on?
It sounds like I gotta honour a whole lot of people.
God, please enlarge my capacity.
My heart is not really that big.
It's about to burnout.
"They say that America is a lie because its reality falls so far short of its ideals.
They are wrong.
America is not a lie, it is a disappointment.
But it can be a disappointment only because it is also a hope."
What is hope? Hope is a belief in a positive outcome related to events and circumstances in one's life. Hope is the feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best.
Many times, we hope for things to happen but it didn't.
Sometimes, we fall short of what we intend to do or are expected to do or are hoping that we could do.
Disappointment steps in.
Disappointment is the emotion or circumstance felt when a strongly held expectation is not met.
So we should be prepared for disappointments, as we can't meet everyone's expectations including our own.
Hope and disappointents can't co-exist. Just like faith and fear.
It's just a thin line drawn between hope and disappointment.
I think I am expecting too much of myself and people around me.
Still trying hard to cling onto that thin line.
Expectation Management in Progress....
Faith will hold us steadfastly to hope.
I wanna hope that I can continue hoping and not get disappointed so much that I dun have the courage to hope again.
And hopefully I can get to the other side soon!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Had been thinking about somethings since last wk..
I think probably made me quite moody.
2 things made me happier!
Had family dinner today again!!!
Ate lots of stuff..
horfun, cha kuay tiao, rojak, kopi ribs, satay and mongolian tofu!!
I jogged 6k in 54min and 25 sec today!!!
Accomplishment man!!!
Stopped jogging for ages!
Thank God:)
I knew you were right beside me, spurring me on.
When my feet felt numb, you were there to carry me.
It wasn't that difficult after all.
"What doesn't kill you make you strong"
I believe everything happens for a purpose..
"Keep on keeping on"
No matter what,
I wanna run after you!!!
Love is sacrificing self to bless others.
Thank You Lord for loving me for who I am.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
EMERGE: Campus Edition!
Hello Everyone! My name is ADA:)
I'm a new student from Montfort Junior!

Also, I wanna thank my boss Subhas for remembering my Bday and the Body Shop nail care kit:)
Friday, February 20, 2009
Thanks my dear EDC for the new cardigan and mango racer back!!!
Thanks xuan for the partly sponsored meal at Shokudo:)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

HAPPY 21st dearest Alex!!!
Stay Sexy and Prettae!
Lub Ya!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
20 cm more to grow man!!!

Got a temp perm done for free..:)
I LOVE IT!!! TOO BAD IT'S GONE aft a hair wash!
First people to see my hair 'live' <--- once in 21 year phenomenon: (not wig ok? it's MY hair)
of cos ger and the person who did it for me..
and on the very same day, I met Dale, Tian, Hsueh and Jave Kor Kor!!
Stunned them for a moment.. I don't know if it sustained till now though..
Quote from Hsueh: "You look like you walked out of a drama!"
Give me your comments!!!!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
May all couples live in bliss and all singles find their true love!
MY DEAR DEAR GX! whose POP plus 28k road march is today=.=

Know you're deadbeat.. But at least we met for the last 4 hours:)
Friday, February 13, 2009
Do you love me for who I am or what I could do?
Thursday, February 12, 2009

Thanks xiao gui, xiao niu and chocolate for the mug with the beautiful pic printed and the meal at Cathay Aston!
Here's a funny conversation I had with xiao gui!
Gui: Nice right the pic? I got the person to illustrate and edit 3 times!
Ada: Of cos, you must see who's in the pic. But I'm prettier! As in the real life person...
Gui: This illustration has gone thru many plastic surgury, it definitely is prettier. You can use this mug and tell your children in the future at mummy looks this pretty when she's 21!
Ada: Ya!! I will say that and I will ask "who's prettier?"
and add...
"mummy is prettier now right?"
Get it?
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Timbre Girls' Night out @ Old School!
Considered the Feb girls' bday celebrations?
It was so paisay when the lead lady singer sang bday song for us!
HAHA! but it wouldn't be more so when a guy went on stage to sing a dedicated song and a bday song for his gf who's 22 this year. It's rather courageous for him I could say. Although he didn't have a great voice, guitar skills are still not bad. Sweet and touching:) Thumbs up!
Love the food there!!! Hawaiian Pizza and can you believe it
---> Peking Duck Pizza?
And I've double confirm.. I will only order Snowball when I'm there in the future..
Can't stand the bitterness of liquor, wine, beer, whatever..
The most IMPT thing: it's the first time aft so long we met up with xinyi and sirui!
I still can't help but laugh at xinyi's jokes and the reciprocates between maggi and her..

Lazy to post up all the photos.. (anyway not all's been uploaded)
-waiting for maggi to do so-
CHeck out:
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Thanks Huitian for being the very first to wish me HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
Apparently, we were on cab when the clock strike 12! HAHHAA!!!
First runner up is... MY DEAR GX!!!
who appeared right below my block!!! (I was still telling tian, "不可能!")
Thanks for making me feel so loved dear:)
It's a really unforgetable 21st for me.
Thanks my dear! I LOVE YOU!
HAPPY 21st to me!!!
My bday ended with another surprise from my dearest mucus Hsueh, my kor kor Jave, Siew wee, Wee Yong and Dear dear at Timbre Boat Quay..
Really appreciate all the efforts put in:)
And of cos.. the cake plus the cardigan!

Saturday, February 7, 2009
I'm bit sian of my face in the photos!! HAHAH!! Shall have my pretty CGL Huitian to replace for the start of this post XP
Can you believe it!? She's 21 too!

Erm.. Ya.. Jking only..
THANKS N283 for the 5 presents!!!
2 tops, 1 skirt, a set of bangles and a bangle watch!
As our dear Bday coordinator said, "It's the benchmark for the year!"
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Thanks my dear
玛格丽特妈咪的家族 for the first bday party!!!!
Really a GREAT surprise for me!!!
Thanks for the presents and the cake!!!
And the steamboat!
LOVE!!!! MUACKS!! <--- only applies to my girls! excluding P boy.