Wednesday, October 29, 2008
RGH!!!!! I wanna rant!!! I just can't stand myself falling sick!!!
When's the queue gonna end man!
First is sore eyes.
Then fever.
Then gastric.
Then migrane.
Now, stomach flu!
What the HECK!!!
And I can't go for Muai Thai (with 10 more make ups in less than 5 days from now!)
Plus no dance practice!!!
Friday, October 24, 2008
I'm super happy!!!!
What's up done, now & next...-To see my tuition kids working hard FINALLY! (few days before the exam that is)
-Started facilitating 3 secondary school educational trails
-Danced with Edge Crew at EDGE event <--- absolutely superb (check out more photos in my facebook account) video: 
-Went Timbre (the ambience and bands were absolutely awesome)
-Had my nail painted purple by my sweet cgl HuiTian
-Learning dance with LOUD Crew from Xue Hui who is very very giving, observant, detailed and patient(:
-Work for my tolerant Boss, Subhas
-GX is booking out this Fri!!!
-Retro Rewind at White Tangerine on Sun!
-Learn swimming from Pam (Postponed to next wk)
-Audition for MAKE ME FAMOUS with Xin, Nerd and Yumin (Postponed to 28 Oct)
I'm blessed:)
I'm happy doing what I'm doing!
Every single day...
I love you, Jesus!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
The best day, today;
The best play, work;
The greatest puzzle, life;
The greatest thought, God;
The greatest mystery, death;
The best work, work you like;
The most ridiculous asset, pride;
The greatest need, common sense;
The most expensive indulgence, hate;
The most disagreeable person, the complainer;
The best teacher, the one who makes you want to learn;
The greatest deceiver, the one who deceives himself;
The worst bankrupt, the soul who has lost enthusiasm;
The cheapest, easiest, and most stupid thing to do, finding fault;
The greatest comfort, the knowledge that you have done your work well;
The most agreeable companion, the one who would not have you any different than you are;
The meanest feeling, being envious of another's success;
The greatest thing in the world, love - for family, home, friends, neighbors.
Author Unknown
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Past, Present and Future Quote - 'Untutored courage is useless in the face of educated' bullets'.
George S.Patton Jr.
You're going to love this;
We all need to deal with three realms.
The past, the present and the future.
We can't escape the past by trying to live in the future.
We need to deal with the past first. Then the present, then the future.
Unresolved offences, unconfessed sins, unpaid bills, unsaid apologies, unwritten letters will torpedo both our present and future.
Then we need to secure our present - create patterns and systems to live by, organise work and play - establish priorities and commitments.
Our foundation is solid.
Now we can dream, pray, prepare, plan and stategize for the future.
Phil Pringle
--> Let's secure our present! This chance is like a gift from God (: Do our best for the EDGE event! JIA YOU! I LOVE YALL!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
I'm super excited!
Looking forward to..
Make Me Famous item with the Yumin, Nerd & Xin! on tues:)
The EDGE event on Fri! I'm dancing with EDC! Woo!
3) Dance Prac with
Loud Crew and EDC!
4) Learning
swimming from Pam!
5) My new job: bringing children for
But.. I think I'll drop dead if I don't sleep soon!
Ps: I'm in need to black shoes, size 37/38! For dance!!! Help!!!!! Friday's coming!
Friday, October 10, 2008

"I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me"
Philippians 4:13
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
What hurts the most is how you rejected and denied.
Your indifference teared my heart.
My defence mechanisms are up.
To stop all of it, else tears won't stop rolling down my cheeks.
My eyes are tired.
I am running back into my refuge, my saviour, my Lord.
Who will embrace and comfort me, although I wished it would be you.
If you're going to continue your way, then bye for now.
If this is your kind of love...
I can't take it anymore.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Talent is God-given. Be humble.
Fame is man-given. Be grateful.
Conceit is self-given. Be careful.
John Wooden
What's the real intention behind the actions or reactions of others?
Sometimes what we percieve may not always be the truth or right.
Still we got to be sincere to others.
Cos relationship is more than anything can exchange for.
Don't you think?
Thank you all who stood by me.
I know who you are. And I'll never forget how you made my days better.